Father’s Day


The last week has been pretty hectic.  Between writing and participating in a few projects for Father’s Day, continuing my efforts in looking for a new career, some novel writing, and of course Cydney; I have been going to sleep at 5AM and waking up at 8AM every day.  I didn’t even get around to writing my post that I had in mind on Friday.  I’ll save the idea for next year.

About two weeks ago, I was contacted by a journalist at TheRoot.com about possibly doing a profile piece on their page for father’s day.  She had been following the blog for some time.  Since then, we’ve had phone and in person interviews with myself and observations of Cydney and I in our element; lots of going through old paperwork, and many gchat conversations going good and into dusk verifying information to make her story as compelling and objective as possible.  She made attempts to get in touch with Timile’s parents, but spoke to other friends and family for insight were around for the whole ordeal.   I didn’t tell too many people about it because I didn’t want to get our hopes up because from previous experiences I know that not all articles make publications.

My plans on Saturday didn’t work out as I thought they would.  As I sat outside of Penn Station in Manhattan waiting for my 12:39AM train and a little over an hour to go, Diana send me a text saying “We’re LIVE!!!!! I hope you like it!”  Before that, to say I was irate is an understatement.  For the moment, my mood changed instantly.  I read the article that we both work hard on was on the front page of a major publication owned by the Washington Post.  Wow.

I read the article twice and called Diana back.  I told her I loved it and really appreciated her not only caring enough to write about Cydney and I, but for getting it.  That made being able to rest and spend the unofficial “Dads do nothing all day except receive a tie and barbecue day” much sweeter.  As much as that meant, the highlight of my Father’s Day: Cydney told me three times she had to go to the bathroom before having an accident (Two number ones and one number two!).  Minutes after I tweeted how excited I was that she only had one accident, she had another one.  That was a symbol.  Take a moment to enjoy this and then its back to work!

…btw, I will delve into detail about that last paragraph in Watch the Throne: Potty Training  pt. 9 on Wednesday.

Here is a link to the article.  Written by Diana Ozembhoya Eromosele, editorial fellow at TheRoot.com and owner of and the creator and executive producer of a web show that examines pop culture called Lectures to Beats:www.lecturestobeats.com.

3 thoughts on “Father’s Day

  1. I’m glad I chose to visit The Root today for my “feel good” Monday story. I’m happy that you fought and won. I don’t think you should have had to but that’s water under the bridge. Blessing to you and Cydney.


  2. Such an inspiring story. My condolences on your loss, that had to be hard for everyone of you. Your daughter is certainly a blessed little girl and I know that your parents are proud to see the man that you have become. I only wish that more men would realize the rights that they have as a father and rid themselves of the mentality that their existence in the lives of their children do not matter. It really does…more than words can say. Thank you for sharing your journey…it is my prayer that more men will wake up and see how much they are missing being away from their children and for the judicial system to revise state legislation in regards to paternity, custodial agreements and Fathers rights.
    May you and your daughter continue to be favored in the eye’s of the Lord. God Bless you. OAN…Love the daddy doing hair. Made me have a flashback of the first time my husband did my daughters hair..she was so happy and he was beaming….you gave me two smiles today!


  3. Partners They think weird things and they do weird things. This leaves intelligent women, like you, in the uncomfortable and awkward position of having to take wild guesses about what to do next…


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